Room Parents

Room Parents are parent volunteers who help improve communication channels.

Each class has one or two room parents.

Room Parents

These parents help the teacher organize special events for the class during the school day, reach out to parents for classroom supplies of items for projects as needed by teacher, and help bring the class together. They also represent the PTO forwarding information to the class parents, as needed by various co-chairs or PTO board members and recruiting volunteers for PTO events. Room Parents are encouraged to attend monthly PTO General Meetings so they are up-to-date on what is happening, and then inform their parents. This is a vital communication channel so all parents are aware of all the activities and issues at school. Room Parents also meet with the Principal and the PTO Room Parent Coordinator twice a year.

If you are interested in being a Room Parent, please email the Driscoll PTO at

 Village Leaders

These parents support the entire grade level community through outreach (mostly over email). The Village Leaders are the “point people” for new families. . Some organize parent coffees, breakfasts or organize parent activities. Village Leaders will often continue supporting the grade year to year.

If you are interested in being a Village Leader, please email the Driscoll PTO at