PTO Spotlight with Fran Rota


image1PTO SPOTLIGHT WITH 8TH GRADE PARETN FRAN ROTAQ: Tell us about your family.A: My son, Jackson, is in the 8th grade, and has been in Driscoll since pre-k. My older son Sam, now a college sophomore, also went through Driscoll starting in Mary Dunne's first pre-k class. I have 2 older stepsons in their thirties who went to Driscoll so I have been around the Driscoll community since the early 90s. It is sad to think of my time in this community coming to an end, but it has been a wonderful part of of our lives in Brookline and I'm very happy to have been a part of it.Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: I have been a Village Leader for the past 3 years, and also did a stint as PTO co-president, as a member of the short-lived equity team, and many years as a room parent and volunteer for various Driscoll programs. I've enjoyed volunteering in programs that allowed me to get to know the kids and teachers, so some of my favorite activities have been volunteering for Arts Equinox projects and chaperoning field trips.Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: Arts Equinox has always been a favorite both for the kids and for me as a volunteer. Also DASA and of course the spring fair.Q: Fun Fact: What do you like doing in your free time?A: My passion is traveling-- I love to take groups of kids on foreign adventures, which I have done every summer in recent years. Around Brookline-- yoga, walking and biking, cooking, and enjoying all this community has to offer keeps me usy in my free time.