Dear Driscoll Families:This month we will be kicking off our main fundraiser for the school year called the Family Giving Campaign. With a goal of $40,000, we hope our families will give generously so that we can continue to fund the programs our children know and love.As a Driscoll family, you are members of the Driscoll PTO. Our Parent Teacher Organization has amazing programs, including Art Equinox, Science Solstice, Driscoll After School Activities (DASA), Early Release Movies, Book Fair, Spring Fair, and so much more! The PTO also supports teachers as they continually keep instruction up-to-date.This year's Family Giving Campaign will begin on October 16 and finish November 17, 2017. During this month-long period of giving, we encourage our families to invest in Driscoll in a way that is meaningful to them. In addition to donations, we hope that families will join us in this community building effort, and sign on in one of the many roles outlined on the attached page. From Classroom Captains to Challenge Donors to thank you note writers, we hope our community will come together to run this giving campaign, and meet our $40,000 goal.Thank you in advance for your generosity.We look forward to an engaging and exciting school year.Sincerely,Val Frias, Alice Speck, and Kelly ChungCo-Presidents, on behalf of the Driscoll PTO Board
The Family Giving Campaign is all about participation. We need every parent to help out in any way they can. Here are some ways you can help. Email the PTO if you can help out with any of the following.I’d like to be a Class Captain I’d like to be one of the parents who help encourage families in their child’s class to participate in the campaign.I’d like to help with Family Giving Campaign Call Night(tentative: Wed., November 1, at 6:00 pm) I’d like to join the team of parents who get together for one night to call every family in the school. Dinner and drinks are provided and it is a great chance to meet and get together with other Driscoll parents. Don’t worry, we’ll train you, and give you a script!I’d like to be a Class or Grade Challenge Donor As a challenge donor, I will commit to donate a certain amount per participating family. With this arrangement, my donation serves as a multiplier and makes every donation that much more important. Challenge donors generally pledge between $50-$100 per child (and sometimes bundle as a group of friends to get to this amount). At a $50 per child commitment and 100% participation, your gift would amount to $1,100 with 22 children in the class.I’d like to help with thank you note writingI can come to the school or write notes from home.I’d like to help with corporate matching I’d like to research companies around the area and find out which one's match gifts—and then remind parents to check with their employer.I can help with this year's Family Giving Campaign Tree hall decoration.I am crafty and organized, and would love to join with fellow parents to help make this tree come to life. If you have questions, email Want to give now? Click on Donate on the top left of this website, or go to your Driscoll Directory account and click on store.