WHAT'S GROWING ON? NEWS OF THE DRISCOLL GARDEN:The Driscoll Garden team is excited to report that things are indeed growing in our school’s garden. This fall we welcomed Danielle Sommer, Education Manager for Green City Growers, to lead the DASA Gardening class. A graduate of Bowdoin College, Danielle has worked in a variety of in and out of school environments – from teaching digital media arts to kindergarteners in after school to urban agriculture and nutrition with high school students at community centers.Danielle tells us that over the past few weeks, the DASA class has been talking about the parts of plants, the plant life cycle, the differences and similarities between husk cherries and tomatoes, and proper plant spacing. They have also enjoyed activities like playing sensory herb guessing, playing “seed-stem-fruit”, and drawing their favorite fruits and veggies with sidewalk chalk. Of course, they have also been busy planting, harvesting, pruning, watering, weeding, cleaning out old plant material and making garden observations. New plantings include: edible begonias, kale, lavender, leeks, lettuce, mint, sage, garlic chives, beets, and cabbage! They’ve harvested Swiss chard, Lemon Balm, and Parsley. Green City Growers also visited recently to repair the pest fencing, install the cold-frame, and repair/improve the irrigation - so we’re ready to stretch this warm fall season even farther.Look for more garden updates in future Bulletins, as we get organized for the 2018 season!