One of our favorite parts of Arts Equinox is the student art gallery, where each student picks out one piece of their art to display around the halls of Driscoll, turning the school into almost an art museum. While this is obviously not possible right now, many art museums have taken their collections online, and we are following their lead!
Have your child pick out one of their favorite pieces of art that they have created this year (it can be something they made earlier in the year at school, something they have already made at home, or something expressly created for this purpose). Take a picture of it and send it to us at, and we will post it here as part of our Virtual Student Art Gallery.
Cut paper art, from Calista in 4B!
Unicorn Ghost, in fuse beads, by Aria in KL
Sonic the Hedgehog, in fuse beads, by Jay in 2Har
Check out this amazing chalk art, by Olivia D. in 6-1
Even Ms. Longmore is getting into the act!
These two pictures are from Sasha in 3S!
Gerald from “Elephant and Piggie,” from Stella in 1S