PTO Spotlight with Kindergarten Teacher Ben Fishkin (KF)!

Ben Fishkin
PTO Spotlight with Kindergarten Teacher Ben Fishkin (KF)!
Q: How long have you been at Driscoll?  Tell us what you did before coming to Driscoll.
A: I've been at Driscoll for 12 years!  This is my fifth year as a kindergarten teacher.  I used to work in the preschool, DEDP, and I did student teaching in a second grade classroom.  Q: Tell us how you decided to become a teacher.A: I used to work at camps a lot and always enjoyed working and playing with kids.  When I started working in the preschool here, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in education.  Q: What is your favorite part of the teaching day?  What is most important to you as you spend your days with children?A: I love problem solving with my class.  Whether it's figuring out a problem in our classroom or how to support students in a conflict, I enjoy helping students become more independent with their self-help skills.  Q: Fun Fact! What's something we should know about you that we don't?
A: I love working with computer hardware.  I'm not great at coding, but I can build just about any computer!


Family Giving Campaign

HeaderDear Driscoll Families:Next month we will be kicking off our main fundraiser for the school year called the Family Giving Campaign. With a goal of $25,000, we hope our families will give generously so that we can continue to fund the programs our children know and love.As a Driscoll family, you are members of the Driscoll PTO. Our Parent Teacher Organization has amazing programs, including Art Equinox, Science Solstice, Driscoll After School Activities (DASA), Early Release Movies, Book Fair, Spring Fair, and so much more! The PTO also supports teachers as they continually keep instruction up-to-date.The Family Giving Campaign will begin on October 17, and finish with Giving Tuesday, on November 29, 2016. During this 6 week period of giving, we encourage our families to invest in Driscoll in a way that is meaningful to you. In addition to donations, we hope that families will join us in this community building effort, and sign on in one of the many roles outlined here. From Classroom Captains to Challenge Donors and thank you note writers, we hope our community will come together to run this giving campaign, and meet our $25,000 goal.Thank you in advance for your generosity.We look forward to an engaging and exciting school year.Sincerely,Lori Day, Val Frias, Sara Stoutland Co-Presidents, on behalf of the Driscoll PTO Board

PTO Spotlight with 4th Grade Teacher, Josephine Bouquet!


fullsizerender-6PTO Spotlight with 4B Teacher Josephine Bouquet!  Q: This is your second year having your own classroom.  Tell us what you did before coming to Driscoll.A: After graduating from Boston College I worked as an aide, and then as a behavior therapist in different special-ed programs in Newton. I was lucky enough to come to Driscoll to be the substitute for Mrs. Mackie when she had her baby, and then got my own 4th grade classroom last year!Q: Tell us how you decided to become a teacher.A: I have always loved working with kids, but really I became a teacher because growing up I loved so many of my teachers. They taught me so many important lessons, and I really appreciated how they supported me and helped me learn and grow. As I got older I realized more and more the positive impact they had on my life, and I hope to pay that forward in some way. My biggest hope is to help my students enjoy school and find the joy in learning each day.Q: What is your favorite part of the teaching day?  What is most important to you as you spend your days with 9 and 10 year olds?A: My favorite part of the day is when the students first arrive. They are so excited to be here and their positive energy can really set the tone for a great day. The beginning of each day feels like a fresh start full of opportunities to learn, and I get really excited to share that with the students. I also love having the opportunity to check in with the students about what is going on in their lives before we hunker down and get into our lessons.Q: Fun Fact! What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: I have an older sister and 3 younger brothers, one of whom is in 4th grade this year! They all live in Maryland, where I am originally from.

Sign up to volunteer at Driscoll this school year!


driscoll pto logoDear Driscoll Families --The school year is off to a great start! Students have settled into their classrooms, met teachers and made new friends.  Families made introductions or reconnected at last week's Back to School Picnic. Now it is time to look forward to some of the exciting events on the horizon for this year!Each year, Driscoll parents work together, alongside teachers and staff, to create unique experiences that enhance our children's education and build community. From stocking our library with books that ignite imaginations, to day-long science and art activities. Remember Art Equinox,  when our students created a mural in the cafeteria? Or Spring Fair, when cotton candy covered all those smiling faces? Let’s make more memories together this year.Driscoll parents make these events happen.Please take a moment to click here to find volunteer opportunities that are the right fit for you. An event coordinator will be in touch as the date approaches to find a specific role that suits your schedule and interest. It is our hope that every Driscoll family will choose three ways in which to donate their time to the school over the year.

If you have any questions about a particular opportunity, please feel free to reach out to the person listed as event contact on the form or send me an email at

Many thanks in advance for all you do to make Driscoll a magical and inspired place for children to learn and grow.  It takes a village.

 Kind Regards,

Chiara Magini

Fellow Driscoll parent

Driscoll PTO Volunteer Coordinator


PTO Spotlight with Computer Teacher Bob Thomas


bobipadPTO Spotlight with Computer Teacher Bob Thomas!Q: Tell us about what you do at Driscoll School.A: I’ve been the Educational Technology Specialist at Driscoll since 1999. I really like my job. I get to do so many different things. I teach 6th grade students and I lead other classes in the lab. I work with teachers to help them find digital resources to support their teaching. I keep track of the computers and equipment in the school and make plans for purchasing new equipment.Q: Tell us about how you decided to become a computer teacher?A:  I was a classroom teacher for more than 20 years before I came to Driscoll. I mainly taught upper elementary students - 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. I used a lot of technology in my teaching (even in the 1980’s). My favorite part of teaching was working with students on long term projects - especially films and digital presentations. I decided that I wanted to spend all of my time helping students use technology to share their learning with others.Q: You do some other cool things besides being a computer teacher at Driscoll, tell us about those.A: I feel fortunate that I have a job where I get to do so many things. In addition to teaching,  I maintain the school website and Twitter account. I take photos of school events. I work with the 7th and 8th graders to produce their yearbook. I make videos and films. I troubleshoot when computers and printers don’t work (I love fixing things). I get to play with new equipment and I love finding new digital tools and games for students and teachers.Q: What do our kids do in Computer Class?A: Students use Macbooks, Chromebooks, iPads and iMacs to enhance and extend classroom curriculum goals. They reinforce skills through games and interactive tools. They explore concepts through digital play. They create presentations to share what they have learned.  Students also learn some basic programming skills. Perhaps most importantly, they learn to be competent, comfortable, and ethical users of technology.Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: I love to travel, especially on trains. I lived in Italy for 5 years and I make great pizza and pesto pasta.

PTO Spotlight with New Driscoll Librarian: Anne Reid!


fullsizerender-2PTO Spotlight with New Librarian Anne Reid!

Q: You're new! Tell us about what you did before coming to Driscoll.

A:  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself!  Let me start my saying how lucky I feel to be the librarian at Driscoll.  I’m just a week into the school year and I can tell how important the library is to the community - not just the students and staff, but the families as well.  It is a dream position!I’m joining Driscoll from Watertown Public Schools, where I was for the past two years.  Before that, I was working as a librarian on the coast of Maine.  And before that, I spent many years working at Simmons College.Q: Tell us about how you decided to become a school librarian?A: It was a winding path to school librarianship!  Growing up, I always loved books, reading and libraries.  But it wasn’t until later in life that I found school librarianship.  In college, I worked at my school’s art library.  That’s when I became hooked on librarianship.  I loved the books and helping connect people with the information they needed.  I was an art history major, so when I went on to graduate school for library science, I pursued art librarianship.  After I graduated, I landed what I thought would be my dream job: a visual resources librarian.  Within a month of starting, though, I knew I had made a big mistake.  Most of my time was spent alone in a room with thousands of slides, cataloging and digitizing.  I was so bored!  I returned to my graduate school to work.  While working, I took more classes.  As soon as I took school librarianship classes, I knew I had found my calling.  I love the books.  I love connecting with kids with books, hoping to help make them passionate, lifelong readers.  I love the information literacy aspect too.  In our digital age, it is so important for students to be able to efficiently find, evaluate, and use the information they need.  I love making the library a welcoming place for all students, the busy hub of a school.Q: What are your favorite books?A: I have so many! Thank you for not asking for just one favorite.  Here are a few:

  • Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is one of my alltime favorites.  So much happens in a mere 10 sentences and those amazing illustrations.

  • Elephant and Piggie series.  Mo Willems is brilliant.  Another author/illustrator who conveys so much with so little, which is no easy task.

  • The Harry Potter series.  My daughter and I are currently on third book.  JK Rowling created an amazing world.
  • Listen, Slowly by Thanhha Lai.  A wonderful middle grade novel about family, roots, and culture.
  • And two other picture books I just have to mention: Stuck by Oliver Jeffers and This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen.

I am forcing myself to stop now.

Q: What do you have planned for the Amy Neale Library this year?

A: There are so many things I’m excited about!  I really look forward to getting to know the students and what they like to read.  I can already tell Driscoll has a lot of passionate readers.  I’m hoping to run a book award program for students in grades 4-8.  Students will be invited to choose from a collection of 40 different books to read and evaluate.  At the end of the year, students who read at least 5 of the books will be invited to vote for the one book they liked the best.  What I like about this program is that it creates a community of readers, with students really engaged in the books, recommending (or not recommending) them to each other.  I also hope to run a picture book award program with students in grades K-3.  In addition, I look forward to working closely with teachers to integrate library resources and information literacy skills into the projects they are working on in the classroom.Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: I am desperate to see a snowy owl in the wild.  I love birds.  I could get chickadees to eat out of my hand when I was a girl.  My daughter, Phoebe, is named both after a bird (the phoebe) and a chickadee song (fee-bee).  In general, I keep an eye out for birds.  Many snowy owls have been sighted around eastern Massachusetts in recent winters, but alas, despite my best attempts, I have yet to see one.  If you get any leads on where to see one this winter, please let me know!

PTO Spotlight with Kindergarten mom, and Town Meeting Member Chris Chanyasulkit

STUDIO_HBTAILOR_7519356451PTO Spotlight with Kindergarten mom, and Town Meeting Member Chris Chanyasulkit
Q:  Tell us about your family:
A:  My family includes James (my husband), Hunter (our eldest son who just turned six and is in KShea), Grayson (our four year old son who is in Driscoll BEEP), and baby Genevieve (who is 16 months old).
Q:  Tell us about how you have been involved at Driscoll:
A:   This is our first year at Driscoll and we love and appreciate the teachers, staff, and community of parents.  Thank you to the many teachers, parent volunteers, and so many more who arrange the fun breakfasts, PTO Spring Fundraiser, playground play dates, and more!
Q:  You wear a couple of different hats within the Brookline government.  Tell us about that.
A:  Since 2006, I have served as a Commissioner on the Brookline Commission for Women, which I co-chair with Casey Hatchett (who is amazing woman!).  Since 2009, I have served as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct 13, and am always appreciative of the votes from neighbors who allow me to volunteer as one of their 15 TMMs. I volunteer as a Steering Committee Member with the Brookline Asian American Family Network.  I am a gubernatorial appointee to the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women and the Asian American Commissionand am proud to also represent the needs and concerns of women and Asian Americans on the state level.  In these two positions, I advocate for pay equity, health equity, and other issues of concern.  Please Save the Date for the AAC's upcoming Young Leaders Symposium, which will be held in Brookline on Oct. 15th and is open to all and not just Asian Americans.  I also serve as a Board Member on the League of Women Voters of Brookline (a non-partisan organization that works to encourage active and informed civic engagement in our government.  I began formally working within Brookline in the 2013 in the Brookline Dept. of Health and Human Services and then since its inception, in the Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations.  I approach my work with a public health lens as I work to advance, advocate, and promote human and civil rights through my advocacy, education, and outreach work.
There are many great ways to get involved in Brookline's government such as joining the Brookline Medical Reserve Corps, the Community Emergency Response Team (full disclosure, I'm also a CERT/MRC member), or joining a Board or Commission.
Q:  What do Town Meeting Members do?
A:  Essentially Town Meeting enacts town by-laws and is responsible for passing a balanced budget.  There are 15 TMMs per precinct for each of the 16 precincts.  TMMs attend community meetings, engage with neighbors, and stay informed of issues affecting their precinct and the town in order to make educated votes at Town Meeting on behalf of their precinct.  Elections for Town Meeting are held each May.  I am happy to talk with anyone interested in running for Town Meeting and encourage people to do so.  You can't win if you don't run!
Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?
A:  I love reading mysteries and especially, cozy mysteries (Think Jessica Fletcher from "Murder, She Wrote!")!  I enjoy reading fast-paced mysteries that don't have any graphic violence and enjoy solving crimes.

PTO Spotlight with Book Fair Co-Chair, Grace Johnston


IMG_4661PTO Spotlight with Book Fair Co-Chair, Grace JohnstonQ: Tell us about your family.A: In the US, it's just me, my husband, Toby, and our two sons, Alex (4M) and Lucas (1HAR). Most of the rest of the family are spread across Australia. Toby and I came here 12 years ago expecting to stay 2-3 years, ended up having kids and are still here!Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: For the last three years, I have been one of the co-chairs of the Book Fair with Amy Grayson, with Meg Brackley joining us last year. It is a great event where the Driscoll library is turned into a book store for a week. The kids visit it during their library class and you get to buy books for your family, friends (and yourself!). And a percentage of sales goes to the Driscoll library to purchase books and electronic resources. I have also helped out with some of the other great PTO programs -- Understanding our Differences, Arts Equinox, Spring Fair, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast etc --  and shelved books in the library and chaperoned at field trips (while my kids still want me to!!).Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: I would say Book Fair but if you ask them, they would say Spring Fair!Q: Fun Fact: What do you like doing in your free time?A: There is not enough free time to do all the things I like to do! Traveling, cooking (and eating!), hiking, learning piano, Pilates, yoga.Things I should do: organize the thousands of digital photos I have taken, clean out the closets, service the car....

Update from Principal Heidi Cook


FullSizeRender-4Dear Driscoll Community,As we move into the end of the school year, I figured it was a good time to send a note to say hello!I have missed you all, but I feel so fortunate to have this time at home with our three little ones who keep me very busy every day!  I have been following the many complexities, goings on and celebrations in our Brookline Schools and at Driscoll even though you haven’t heard much from me.  I check out the conversations on the public sources, but I’ve also been checking in occasionally with the central office, Eileen Woods, David Youkilis and Driscoll staff.  I continue to feel so lucky that their capable hands have made it possible for me to truly enjoy every last drop of my time off worry-free.One thing I can do while holding babies is think.  And I have been thinking and reflecting on many things while on leave, including my role as Driscoll’s school leader and the impacts I hope to have during my time as your principal.  I very much look forward to returning with a renewed sense of urgency and purpose and with new insights into my own leadership.I’m so proud of our soon-to-be graduates and look forward to wishing them well in High School along with David and Eileen on graduation day. I will see some of you there!I also look forward to re-entering my principal role on July 1st.  Until that point, I will begin some transition activities with Eileen and David, and will weigh in with them on major issues for next year.  Of course, continue to reach out to Eileen and David with current issues.  If you email me information pertaining to next year please know that I will read it and begin the process of responding to folks as quickly as I can once I return in July.I’ve attached a picture of our family from February (the last time we all sat still long enough for a picture).  I look forward to seeing your family again soon!With Love,HeidiFam

PTO Spotlight with Kim Katz


FullSizeRender-2PTO Spotlight with Understanding our Differences Co-chair, and Teacher Appreciation Co-chair, Kim Katz: Q: Tell us about your family.A: My family includes our son Dylan who is in the third grade, my husband Mark, and three frogs.Q: Tell us how you've been involved in the PTO?A: When my son started Driscoll, I became involved right away with the PTO and the community. I thought it would be a great way to meet new people, and help out in any way. I'm currently the co-chair of Understanding our Differences with Alison Schonwald, and I'm co-chairing with (partner in crime) Robyn Hunter for next week's Teacher Appreciation Breakfast.Q: Tell us more about Understanding our Differences.A: Understanding Our Differences (UOD) is an educational program that teaches elementary school children to develop understanding and respect for fellow students and others with physical, sensory or developmental differences. UOD is an interactive awareness curriculum that Brookline Elementary Schools teach to all 4th and 5th grades. Each fall students participate in a four part series introducing various kinds of differences. The curriculum goals help our students understand how differently abled people adapt and live full, productive lives as well as increase tolerance and reduce bullying.Q: Does your son have a favorite PTO program?A: My son's favorite program is the Spring Fair. Honestly, who wouldn't want to be with their friends, ride on cool rides, eat tons of junk food, and get their hair sprayed, and go to bed way after bed time!Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: I grew up in the midwest and met my husband in college. My son Dylan now goes to the same elementary school that my husband attended (years, years, back)!! Additional fun fact: Ms. Neale was his librarian! I also just started a business called Mind Baby Body, so I don't have any free time now!

PTO Spotlight with new Co-Treasurer Marina Burdenko


09B22306-ED58-4385-AD18-23D0323945FCPTO Spotlight with new Co-Treasurer Marina BurdenkoQ: Tell us about your family.A: My family is my husband Alex, with whom we’ll be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary this year and our twins Zach and Zoe who are in 1st grade (1T).  I’ve lived in Brookline for over 24 years and we are not planning to move any time soon.  We love the city atmosphere with a neighborhood feel and our kids enjoy all the fun activities in the area including ballroom dancing, music, swimming, tennis and math.Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: At Driscoll, I’ve served as a room parent for 2 years, since my kids were in kindergarten (KS), volunteered for most of the special events in the classroom and chaperoned every single one of their fieldtrips.  I love being a part of the Brookline and Driscoll School Community and I enjoy helping out whenever I can.Q: You were just voted PTO Co-Treasurer for the upcoming school year--congratulations!  What interested you in this position?A: Thank you!  I am very excited to serve as a Co-Treasurer with David Souza over the next 3 years.  I feel that this position is right up my alley.  I have graduated from Northeastern University with a dual degree in Accounting and Finance.  I am a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountant) with 11 years of prior experience of working at a public accounting firm and a current 5 year run as a part-time Controller at one of the major re-sellers of telecommunications equipment. I felt that my professional experience and time can support this role.  I also still enjoy being a room parent and I feel like the Co-Treasurer position will allow me to continue in that role as well.Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: My kids love the Spring Fair of course!  They also really enjoy Arts Equinox, Science Solstice and Book Fair.Q: Fun Fact: What do you like doing in your free time?A: I enjoy spending time at the beach on the Cape in the summer with family and friends, skate and ski in the winter, and shopping any time of the year 

PTO Spotlight with Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Co-chair Robyn Hunter


PTO Spotlight with Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Co-chair Robyn HunterFullSizeRender-6Q: Tell us about your family.A: My family is my world!  David and I have been married since 2004 (together since 1993!), and we have three incredible children.  Isabel is in 4B and loves classical ballet.  Gabi is in 3S and lives for soccer.  Our youngest is William, in 1S; he loves all sports and plays a passionate game of soccer.  We also have two cats, Harper and Maggi, who are 20 and 18 years old!  We love music, dance, sports, reading, all Holidays, NYC and Vermont, board games, spending time with our extended family and being deeply involved at Driscoll and in our larger community.Q: Tell us how you’ve been involved at Driscoll?A: My involvement at Driscoll dates back to 2008 when Isabel was in the young preschool at BEEP (which was then located at Driscoll). Throughout our 8 years at Driscoll, I have served on many committees, as room parent every year, have advocated with the Town for keeping BEEP classrooms in our public schools, have sat on the PTO Executive Board, volunteered at book fairs and spring fairs and Arts Equinox and Science Solstice, put together Auction items and always supported our teachers personally and behind the scenes.  This year I am co-chairing our Teacher Appreciation Breakfast with Kim Katz, a dear friend and partner in crime, and I look forward to many more years of doing my part!Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: My kids love the ever popular Spring Fair, Arts Equinox and Science Solstice.  They also really like the Fall Fling and the community service events we have focused on in the past.Q: Fun Fact: What’s something we should know about you that we don’t?A: I am a very outgoing but (paradoxically?) private person.  I crave time alone and try to make sure I get that most days, along with exercise, fresh air and a tidy home!  These are essential to running a calm (yeah, right) and orderly home with three incredibly busy children and a home piano studio (I have been teaching piano lessons off and on since I was 15).  I am a huge believer in bed times, thank you notes, excellent manners and putting others first.  We work constantly on a balance between being our best and taking care of ourselves and each other.  Our family has been thrown some major curveballs in recent years, but, like every family, we pull fiercely together and try to take life as it comes.  We are so thankful to be a part of this amazing community and consider it a duty and blessing to be a part of its excellence.  Thank you!

PTO Spotlight with Snehal Bhatt


IMG_6171PTO Spotlight with Snehal BhattQ: Tell us about your family.A: We came to Driscoll from the Advent School when Maya was in third grade.  Getting involved was a great way to get to know the community and a new school.  I live in Brookline with my husband Geary, my son Rohan in 5K, and my daughter Maya who is in 8C.  We love tennis, board games, travel, hiking, soccer and 3/4 of us love roller coasters (1/4 of us get sick watching microfilm go by).Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: I chaired the movie program and worked with the PTO board for 3 years.  I chaired two book fairs and I have served as class parent for both of my kids every year since they were in preschool.   I’ve organized group gifts every year as well as set up many outings so our families can get to know each other outside of school.   I served as an ECS parent representative to the town from Driscoll for two years.  I’ve volunteered for Green Room (cooking/serving food), teacher appreciation week, Chinese New Year (organized crafts), Arts Equinox (taught street dance, supervised art projects), Understanding Our Differences Program, and worked at the Spring Fair.  At our old school, I chaired our auction and organized our grade-wide art projects and auction baskets every year, organized a school-wide making of Stone Soup to build community, and ran our annual schoolwide trip to Big Apple Circus for five years.  I’ve chaperoned almost every one of both of my kids’ field trips with the exception of a few.  I’ve run three bake sales to raise money for eighth grade graduation and I spend a good portion of my time coaching our math league/team for the past four years.  I love working with the Dragons.  They are the hardest working, most earnest, wonderful kids I’ve ever met.  I’ve learned through all of this that Driscoll has a ton of talent and as a community, we can move mountains when we pull together.Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: For my kids, I think their favorite PTO program has to be our upcoming Spring Fair (Make sure you volunteer, even 1 hour!).  Why do I do all this?  I love my kids and I get them for a short time before they grow up and fly away so I don’t want to miss a thing.  Who else has skin in the game, right?  It’s up to us to make this community beautiful.  I grew up in a small town and with a very close, supportive community behind me and it meant everything to me.  Everything I do is so I can give that back to my kids.  Driscoll has such a wealth of kindness, love, knowledge and expertise in our parent and teacher community…tap it and reach the sky!Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: As for what you might not know about me, I love tennis, shameless karaoke, I play a mean game of ping pong, hiking, skiing (too injured now but love it), board games, a juicy novel, I studied dance for all my life (and would have tried to do it professionally if not injured) and binge watching cheesy CW series no one would want to publicly admit to watching.  I am not ashamed to say I love disco music.  I was probably the only kid on my block who watched Soul Train every weekend and dreamt of being a solid gold dancer.   I never met a superhero movie I didn’t like (Marvel over DC comics, hands down).  An economist by training, someday I’ll get back to it, but for now, I’m raising humans, and it’s a coin toss as to whether they are learning more from me or I am learning more from them.

PTO Spotlight with Fran Rota


image1PTO SPOTLIGHT WITH 8TH GRADE PARETN FRAN ROTAQ: Tell us about your family.A: My son, Jackson, is in the 8th grade, and has been in Driscoll since pre-k. My older son Sam, now a college sophomore, also went through Driscoll starting in Mary Dunne's first pre-k class. I have 2 older stepsons in their thirties who went to Driscoll so I have been around the Driscoll community since the early 90s. It is sad to think of my time in this community coming to an end, but it has been a wonderful part of of our lives in Brookline and I'm very happy to have been a part of it.Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: I have been a Village Leader for the past 3 years, and also did a stint as PTO co-president, as a member of the short-lived equity team, and many years as a room parent and volunteer for various Driscoll programs. I've enjoyed volunteering in programs that allowed me to get to know the kids and teachers, so some of my favorite activities have been volunteering for Arts Equinox projects and chaperoning field trips.Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: Arts Equinox has always been a favorite both for the kids and for me as a volunteer. Also DASA and of course the spring fair.Q: Fun Fact: What do you like doing in your free time?A: My passion is traveling-- I love to take groups of kids on foreign adventures, which I have done every summer in recent years. Around Brookline-- yoga, walking and biking, cooking, and enjoying all this community has to offer keeps me usy in my free time.

Driscoll PTO seeks nominations for PTO Co-Chair and Treasurer


Driscoll PTO seeks nominations for PTO Co-Chair and TreasurerAny member of the Driscoll community may nominate a community member, including themselves.  Nominations will be accepted until Friday, May 13, 2016. Members of the PTO board will elect these positions during the PTO board meeting on May 17, at 8 a.m.If you are interested in nominating someone or have questions,  please e-mail

PTO Co-Chair

The PTO has three co-chairs, who together are responsible for ensuring the PTO fulfills it's mission of organizing events, building community and fundraising for the Driscoll community. 

As such, the co-chairs:

  • Develop and oversee the annual PTO budget, 

  • Recruit  program chairs and ensure program chairs receive the support and volunteers needed to run smoothly. 

  • As appropriate, act as  point persons, to facilitate communication between Driscoll administration and parents; teachers and parents; and among parents.

  • Run the PTO Executive Committee meetings. (historically, Monday at 8 a.m.)

  • Chair four meetings of the full PTO board and two Open Forums per year.

  • Share these duties based on their strengths and schedules

PTO Treasurer:

  • Monitors the PTO budget, processes payments and deposits, and oversees tax returns.
  • Works closely with a professional bookkeeper and accountant.
  • Produce quarterly financial statements for the PTO board.
  • As a voting member of the PTO Executive Committee,  participates in the weekly PTO Executive meetings (historically, Monday at 8 a.m.) 
  • Participates in four full PTO board meetings per year. 

The terms for both positions will run for 3 years, from September 2016 to June 2019.

PTO Spotlight with Mary Schlaff


IMG_1275PTO Spotlight with parent Mary SchlaffQ: Tell us about your family.A: We moved from Auburndale to Brookline about 10 years ago - we just fell in love with the community here.  Ben has two older siblings, Dan and Rachel, who are in their twenties and thirties.  They live in DC so we visit as much as we can.   Dan married this past summer in New Orleans and Ben was his best man and wrote a "spontaneous" hiku in addition to his best man’s speech. It was a pretty special time as a family and we are living off the glow of those days together. As a family we enjoy movies, reading and rousing political discussions and jokes at dinner.  Tony’s life’s work is in pubIic health although sailing is his passion.  I am an event planner at  Northeastern. We love to cook and entertain and the guys love to eat so it is a win-win.  Sports-wise we love the Celtics, the Giants and the Patriots - we are New Yorkers but Ben is a Bostonian and loyal to the home teams!Q: Tell us how you've been involved at Driscoll?A: I became involved in the Auction when Ben was in Kindergarten - Mary McConnell’s class.  The Lazowski’s pulled me in when they heard that I was an event planner and together we redesigned it and moved it to the gym, turning it into a larger revenue producing event. It was lots of fun to do and more importantly at one time it was a great community builder. I was a room parent for a few years as well.  As the kids became older and we weren’t encouraged to come into the school I just naturally became less involved.  I miss those younger years.Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: I would have to say that the Spring Fair is probably the most fun event for Ben - do you blame him?!Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't? OR What do you like doing in your free time?A: As a couple, Tony and I love to sail - Ben does not unfortunately although we will drag him this summer to the Vineyard.  I love history - reading it, visiting historic sites, researching it. I joined recently and I must admit I probably need an intervention! Ben has acquired that interest in history as well.  As a family we just enjoy hanging out together - it is very easy and we enjoy each other’s company.

PTO Spotlight: Nadine Hartman


FullSizeRender-2PTO Spotlight with PTO Early Dismissal Movie Chair Nadine HartmanQ: Tell us about your family.A: My Husband Phil and I have lived in Brookline for 2 years, and previously lived in Boston for over 10 years.  We are both from the Midwest, but love the East Coast!  Our daughter Maya just turned 4 and attends BEEP at Driscoll and our son Liam is 6 and is in 1 Har.Q: Tell us how you came to serve as PTO Early Release Movie Chair?A:  When Liam started Kindergarten at Driscoll, we were new to the school, and to Brookline, so I thought volunteering would be a nice way to get involved and to meet people.  I saw that the PTO was looking for someone to take over the movies, so I thought why not.  Meg Brackley and Lori Day (Pto Board Members) did a great job selling it to me JQ: Any advice for parents wanting to get involved at Driscoll?A: Most parents have time restrictions, and volunteering can be tough to squeeze in, but there are always ways to get involved on your own time as well, if that was something you wanted to do. You can always reach out to anyone on the PTO – and I’m sure they can find something for you!Q: Do your kids have a favorite PTO program?A: I would say the Carnival!  What they put together on the Driscoll field is pretty amazing, and the kids just have so much fun.Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't? OR What do you like doing in your free time?A: In my free time I like to ski, go to the beach, socialize with friends and family, and travel when I can.

PTO Spotlight with David Souza


PTO Spotlight with CoView More:, and Spring Fair Co-Chair David Souza:(photos on Tell us about your family.A:  My wife Tatyana and I have lived in Brookline for 12 years.  We have two boys, Nikolai (2W) and Andreas (BEEP).  Tatyana owns/manages, Coolidge Corner Yoga.  I'm a partner at a Boston based hedge fund.  As a family, we love to enjoy all four seasons through outdoor activities!Q: You're involved in a couple of ways on the PTO. Tell us about them.A:  I'm currently finishing up a (3) year term as co-Treasurer for the Driscoll PTO.  With a background in Finance, the co-Treasurer role was a logical way to support the PTO.  I shared the role with Meg Brackley during the first (2) years of service.  This year, I share the role with Ranjana Mayar.In addition, this will be my second year as co-Chair of the beloved Spring Fair.  Running the Fair alongside Jennifer Klaus and Desmond Hallandoats has been a very rewarding experience.  We are looking for a 4th co-Chair if anyone is interested;)Q: Do you have any advice for parents interested in becoming involved at Driscoll?A: Involvement can be small or large.  The Driscoll community is full of wonderful people with diverse skill sets.  I urge anyone with volunteer interest to contact the PTO chairs directly.Q: Fun Fact: What's something we should know about you that we don't?A: I was raised in a farm town in MA.  My father was a blue collar "jack of all trades" kind of guy.  Among other things, he had me riding/maintaining dirt bikes starting at the age of 4.  At my home, you will see this is still very much a part of me, as shown by the many toolboxes owned:)  Tatyana often uses this knowledge to her advantage when she wants me to fix something....