Driscoll T-Shirts and Hoodies

Please find an email below regarding an 8th grade fundraiser that also supports Driscoll School spirit!
Dear Driscoll Families,
Driscoll t-shirts and hoodies are back!  The 8th grade is selling Driscoll gear as a way to raise funds for the 8th grade graduation, 8th grade class play as well as their class gift to Driscoll.  Please help us meet our fundraising goals while showing your support of Driscoll School!
Please follow this link to view the shirts that are for sale:
This is an online fundraiser and you can pay directly online and have your order shipped to your house.  All size charts, colors and styles are described on the website. Please email Kelley Cabral at kcabralkjc@gmail.com with any questions.
Thank you for your support of Driscoll School and the 8th grade!
Kelley Cabral
8th grade room parent

Chinese New Year @ Driscoll 2/14


Dear Driscoll Families:I am excited to share that the Driscoll School will hold its annual Chinese New Year celebration on February 14, 2018. Chinese New Year is the first day of the New Year on the Chinese calendar. It is also known as Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival.Two 45-minute assemblies will be held for our Pre-K through 8th grade students and faculty next Wednesday. Students learning Mandarin have been preparing in their classes for this event and will sing songs, perform dances, and watch student made videos in honor of Chinese culture and language. The assemblies will also include a spectacular lion dance, which should be a treat for all in attendance.Below is the program for each performance:8:30am Show (Pre-K, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8)Opening RemarksGrade 8 DanceGrade 1 Song: Three BearsGrade 2 Song: Mr. Wang has a FarmGrade 4 Video: What is your favorite subject?Grade 6 Song: Where are my friends?Grade 8 Song Tian mi miGrade 8 Music Video: Never Gonna Give You UpClosing & Lion dance9:30am Show (K, 3, 5, 7, 8)Opening RemarksLion DanceGrade K Song: Happy New yearGrade 3 Video: What do you do on Saturday?Grade 5 Song: If you’re happy, clap your handsGrade 7 Song: Sorry my Chinese is not goodGrade 8 DanceGrade 8 Song: Tian mi miGrade 8 Music Video: Never Gonna Give You UpClosingThank you in advance for your support of this longstanding Driscoll tradition, and especially to our PTO, Mandarin teachers, grade 8 students and parent volunteers for their leadership and organization of this special event.Sincerely,Dr. Sujan S. TalukdarInterim Principal

9th School Update and Listening Session at Driscoll School


Dear Driscoll School Community,As you might know, the Town of Brookline is currently conducting a 9th School Alternative Site Study, which will involve a comprehensive study of several potential siting locations for a 9th school. This study will reexamine locations previously studied as well as include additional locations, including the possibility of identifying multiple sites and/or combining sites to address Brookline’s enrollment driven need for additional classroom capacity.Driscoll School is one of several Brookline Schools to be included in this study as a potential multiple site solution. HMFH Architects have been contracted to assist with the evaluation of all sites under consideration. One very important aspect of this study will be to involve and solicit ideas and valuable input from the School Communities being studied. For this reason, we invite you to attend a Driscoll School “Listening Session” scheduled for Wednesday, January 17th from 8:10 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. in the Driscoll School Library.We will begin the Listening Session with a brief summary concerning the purpose and scope of this 9th School Alternative Site Study but then quickly invite all in attendance to share their ideas, concerns and suggestions on how the Driscoll School location or other locations could prove to be the total or partial solution to Brookline’s growing  classroom capacity problem.Pip Lewis, principal architect for HMFH will join me and other Town officials at this meeting. We look forward to listening to your ideas and engaging everyone in beneficial dialog that may help us shape recommended solutions to this challenging issue. To help you follow our progress, please use the website link (https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/school9).


Sincerely,Joe Connelly9th School Alternative Site Study Project Manager

PTO Coffee with School Committee


Dear Driscoll Families,Please join the PTO for a coffee with School Committee members on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the Amy Neale Library at Driscoll School.School Committee members will give a quick overview of what’s happening in the district from the School Committee’s point of view, and their priorities for the year – what’s happening in various subcommittees, etc.They also want to hear the same from us – what is the PTO up to and what’s “front of mind” in our school community.We'll go through those quickly and get right to comments and questions, and have a dialogue about how to best meet the needs of our kids and our community.We hope you can join us. Coffee and muffins will be provided.Warmly,The Driscoll PTO

Book Fair Thanks!


From the Amy Neale Library

We had an amazing Book Fair Week!  We didn't meet our goal of $16k...we exceeded it!  We sold $18k - a new record!  This means over $4k in support for the library.  This money will go for books, materials, furniture, and programs in the library.  Watch future bulletins for updates.  Thank you, Driscoll families, for your incredible support!This year's book fair featured our first ever evening event.  A big thank you to Dr. Talukdar for being our guest reader for story time.  She was fabulous, and the turnout far exceeded our expectations.  Another first this year was the Driscoll Loves Books initiative, which put book fair books in the hands of students who may not have been able to purchase a book.  This program was made possible by the Family Giving Campaign.And finally, a huge thank to all our amazing volunteers (parents, grandparents, children) who staffed the book fair this week and our incredible book fair committee: Victor Kusmin, Nadine Abu-Jawdeh, Claudia Olivetti and chair Meg Brackley.  They spent countless hours preparing for the book fair, then pretty much lived in the library during it.  Thank you!!

Science Solstice 2017

Driscoll PTO's Science Solstice is almost here! On Fri. Dec. 8, Driscoll celebrates “Science Solstice:” a day when the whole school suspends its regular routine to do science.Grades K to 5 stay in the building and are ‘wowed” by science with presentations of live animals and simple machines, from the Museum of Science and Mass Audubon Society. Students learn about the scientific methods as they build paper geodesics dome, learn how the human brain works or discover states of matter.  At the end of the day, they respond through writing and drawing about the question: “What do scientists do?” These activities are planned and run by Driscoll parents. ****We could still use a few more parent volunteers! We especially need a parent volunteer in 1st grade classrooms. But we could also use a few extra volunteers to be scientist assistants that day. Please email driscollsciencesolstice@gmail.com if you can consider helping out.The middle schoolers (6th. 7th and 8th graders) leave the building and each student visits one working science lab or facility. Lab tours and activities are arranged by Driscoll parents. These field trips both pique students’ interest in science and expose them to different careers in science and technology.  ****As a reminder to middle school parents, please pack a lunch for your child on Science Solstice. They are out of school nearly the entire day so they cannot buy lunch in the cafeteria.All in all, it’s a great day of learning and discovery! Thank you to all the parent scientists and those who have volunteered their time for the morning already.

Family Giving Campaign


Dear Driscoll Families,On October 16, 2017 we're kicking off  the Family Giving Campaign. Our goal is twofold. We hope to raise $40,000, and we hope that 100% of our families will donate by November 17, 2017.The Family Giving Campaign is the PTO’s major fundraiser for this school year. The Driscoll PTO raises money each year to fund the great programs like Science Solstice, and Arts Equinox, but also professional development for the awesome teachers we have here at Driscoll.On Wednesday, November 1, from 6:00 – 8:30 pm a team of parents from most grade levels will “Dial for Driscoll”. We aim to contact each Driscoll family to either thank them for their donation, or encourage them to donate. If you get a call, answer the phone! Our parent volunteers will be eager to chat with you!Sincerely,Driscoll PTODonate below, via your myschoolanywhere account, or by bringing a check to the main office.

      As a special thank you to all families that participate you will receive an exclusive Driscoll school magnet to demonstrate your school spirit! 

Thank you from Kim Longmore


Dear Driscoll,This year brings many things to celebrate in my life, one being 10 years in the town of Brookline. I started working for the town as the Evening Operations Manager for Adult Ed. at the Brookline High School. Prior to that, I had worked many years, in many capacities at Plimoth Plantation. (Pilgrim, Basket Maker, Curatorial Manager and Education Dept. Manager) etc.What I really want to celebrate is Nov. 18th. 2016.That was the day I was hit and run by a car in the Washington St. crosswalk and left to die! A funny thing to celebrate for sure, it’s been a long year of surgery, therapy, pain and a journey of recovery I am still on, but nothing is the same as it was before that day! That being said, one of the things that changed for the better is my kids and friends. They sure don’t take me for granted anymore (having almost lost me 2 or 3 times will do that your loved ones!)I try not to take things for granted either, for example, Driscoll School walked to the Temple for our Evacuation Drill, during which, I reflected on the times this year I had spent in a wheel chair, not knowing if I would walk again (or if a number of other body parts would ever work again either!). Another change for the better is my Driscoll Family. Crisis seems to bring out the best in you folks, and not a day goes by now that I don’t get hugs and words of encouragement from you!My Driscoll family never forgot me even though I was gone. Almost 6 months! Your visits to the hospital, notes, cards and gifts never stopped! I appreciated everything you did for me more than you will ever know! (Nothing is better than flowers, or an Edible Arraignment or a craft project, when you least expect it!). During the worst times, I spent many sleepless nights reading and re-reading your cards, notes, and letters.My hospital room and then my physical rehab. room were covered with your children’s cards, notes and photographs. You even replaced my glasses so I could see! And when I did return to Driscoll School, my office was literally covered in hearts! Every student in every class had cut out a heart and written a note of well wishes and support!Best of all this experience has brought us all closer, it’s a different relationship now, and we are truly a family. I thank you, my children and grandchildren thank you, and my friends thank you! Had you not been there for me, I do not know if I could have come through this difficult time.Love, hearts, and kisses!Kim Longmore

What’s Growing On? Driscoll Garden News


What’s Growing On? Driscoll Garden NewsHave you had a chance to check it out? There is still a lot growing in our raised beds.Danielle, of Green City Growers, and the DASA Gardening team have added beets, spinach, and bok choy under the cold frame. They also pulled out some “misplaced” garlic that was planted to early.  If you want garlic to be added to the garden, please let us know! We will create a space for the garlic and talk about the process of growing garlic. The DASA Garden Team have also been removing bugs considered pests: namely cabbage worms and Japanese beetle grubs. And, of course, watering, weeding and feeding (compost).  They also learned about sheet mulching, utilizing newspaper and salt hay in one bed to help retain moisture for the remainder of the season. (The irrigation has been disconnected for the winter). Don’t forget: while it’s time to blow out your irrigation and store your garden hoses, your yard/perennials will still like water at least every couple weeks, and our winters actually can have dry spells.  Compost and mulch can help.

Principal’s Corner November 2017


Dear Families,Have you ever wondered when is the appropriate time to discuss social media use with your child/ren? While social media users are required to be at least 13 years of age according to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), many children become aware of social sites and apps much earlier. Driscoll families are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the different forms of social media that students are exposed to so they can support safe, responsible and respectful citizenship in a digital world. At Driscoll School, we follow the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Curriculum. In addition to learning more about useful media resources, families can also find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) by visiting Common Sense Media HERE.Principal’s CornerNovember 2017Dr. Suzie Talukdar

Community Meeting Schedule Announced


Community Meeting 2017-18

Community Meeting is a time when K-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade students come together to celebrate our community, to sing songs, and share things we have been working on. Parents and Guardians are always invited to join us at Community Meeting!

We usually start with a song, and the grade level or class that is hosting will then present the theme for the meeting. The rest of the meeting is filled with singing and sharing led by the class or grade level who are hosting. We usually end the meeting with our beautiful Driscoll School Song, written by music teacher Emma Catlett.

Our goals for community meeting are the following:

-Provide students with a safe space to practice making presentations to a large group

-Allow students to lead each other (adults do a lot of work to prepare students, but during the meeting, the adults take a "back seat" to the students)

-Provide students with an opportunity to work on being good audience members

-Build community (parents, students, teachers) across grade levels

-Allow students to see what goes on in other classrooms, including grade levels that are above or below their own.

All meetings are in the theater and start at 8:10 AM and end by about 8:40 AM. We ask parents/guardians to sit in a particular grade-level section so that classes can sit together. When the meeting is over, we let families leave first so that kids can walk out in line with their class.

We look forward to seeing you there! The schedule is below, but is subject to change based on the MCAS schedule. Please watch your teacher’s newsletter and the calendar to find out when your child will present!

K-2 Community Meetings: 11/3, 12/1, 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 3/9, 4/6, 5/4, 6/8

3rd-5th Community Meetings: 11/17, 1/19, 2/9, 2/16, 3/16, 4/13, 5/18, 6/15

Book Fair News!

BOOK FAIR: December 11-15, Monday - Friday: The Book Fair is returning to the Driscoll’s Amy Neale Library next month! A portion of all sales goes directly to the Library to buy more books and other library resources for our kids. Once again, students are invited to enter their designs for the Book Fair Poster Contest! This year’s theme is: “The Power of Reading”.  How is reading powerful? What kinds of power can be described in a book? Energy? Horse power? Political power? Social empowerment? Superpowers? Pick up poster contest entry forms in the Library (or Download PDF Here) beginning November 1st. Submit your designs to the Main Office or the Library no later than November 17th. The winning design will be THE poster to publicize the Book Fair, and the winner will get a $25 gift card to use at the fair!We need volunteers to help make the Book Fair a success. If you could spare two hours (or more) with library set-up, helping on the sales floor, working the cash registers, restocking shelves or packing up at the end of the week, please sign up HERE. The Book Fair will be open before and after school, and you can even volunteer when your child's class visits the library. Please contact the Book Fair Team with any questions: driscollbookfair@gmail.com



WHAT'S GROWING ON? NEWS OF THE DRISCOLL GARDEN:The Driscoll Garden team is excited to report that things are indeed growing in our school’s garden.  This fall we welcomed Danielle Sommer, Education Manager for Green City Growers, to lead the DASA Gardening class.  A graduate of Bowdoin College, Danielle has worked in a variety of in and out of school environments – from teaching digital media arts to kindergarteners in after school to urban agriculture and nutrition with high school students at community centers.Danielle tells us that over the past few weeks, the DASA class has been talking about the parts of plants, the plant life cycle, the differences and similarities between husk cherries and tomatoes, and proper plant spacing.  They have also enjoyed activities like playing sensory herb guessing, playing “seed-stem-fruit”, and drawing their favorite fruits and veggies with sidewalk chalk.  Of course, they have also been busy planting, harvesting, pruning, watering, weeding, cleaning out old plant material and making garden observations.  New plantings include: edible begonias, kale, lavender, leeks, lettuce, mint, sage, garlic chives, beets, and cabbage! They’ve harvested Swiss chard, Lemon Balm, and Parsley.  Green City Growers also visited recently to repair the pest fencing, install the cold-frame, and repair/improve the irrigation - so we’re ready to stretch this warm fall season even farther.Look for more garden updates in future Bulletins, as we get organized for the 2018 season!

October Principal's Corner


Happy October!Over the last month, it has truly been an honor to see so many families at the Driscoll School. Whether it was at the back to school night picnic or at morning and afternoon drop off and pick up, the pleasant greetings and smiling faces are just a few of the many things that makes this community so special.I look forward to seeing many of you during this week and next at Driscoll Open House. The schedule will be as follows:Grade 1 and Grade 2: Monday, October 2 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amGrade K and Grade 3: Wednesday, October 4 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amGrade 4 & Grade 5: Friday, October 6 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amGrades 6-8: Tuesday, October 10 from 8:00 am – 9:40 amFor K-5 Open house, parents/guardians will gather in the theater for a brief welcome by school leaders, PTO leaders and introduction of specialists between 8:00 am and 8:20 am. At 8:25 am, families will travel to their child’s classroom or other designated location for a brief presentation. During that time students will enjoy time at the playground, which will be supervised by staff. At 9:00 am, families will say goodbye and students will return to their classrooms. Additional details regarding Grades 6-8 Open House are forthcoming.It is important to remember that Open House is a time for general questions about the school year. If you have individual questions about your child, please contact your child’s teacher via email or phone to set up a time to talk.

Driscoll Directory

Welcome Driscoll Families!  Our PTO subscribes to the MySchoolAnywhere service for our family and faculty directories, online store, volunteer signups and email communications. It's secure, easy to use, and free to families.If you haven't registered, please go to the site below, enter our school's code and follows the steps to register your family.  You can specify what information you'd like to appear in the directory - or choose not to appear at all.Returning Families - If you're already registered, you will receive an email asking you to update your family information and display preferences for the new school year. You do not need to register again unless you don’t receive this email. Register at join.myschoolanywhere.comInvitation Code:  DriscollDirectoryOnce we've had a chance to verify your family information, you'll receive an email with login credentials and instructions to access the system.Questions? Contact our system administrator at driscolldirectory@gmail.com.Install the Free app!  After you receive your login information, download the app by searching for MySchoolAnywhere in the iTunes App Store or Google Play.  The app allows you to access our directory, manage your family information, purchase in our store and signup for volunteer activities all from your phone!

Annual Family Giving Campaign


Dear Driscoll Families:This month we will be kicking off our main fundraiser for the school year called the Family Giving Campaign. With a goal of $40,000, we hope our families will give generously so that we can continue to fund the programs our children know and love.As a Driscoll family, you are members of the Driscoll PTO.  Our Parent Teacher Organization has amazing programs, including Art Equinox, Science Solstice, Driscoll After School Activities (DASA),  Early Release Movies, Book Fair, Spring Fair, and so much more!  The PTO also supports teachers as they continually keep instruction up-to-date.This year's Family Giving Campaign will begin on October 16 and finish November 17, 2017. During this month-long period of giving, we encourage our families to invest in Driscoll in a way that is meaningful to them. In addition to donations, we hope that families will join us in this community building effort, and sign on in one of the many roles outlined on the attached page. From Classroom Captains to Challenge Donors to thank you note writers, we hope our community will come together to run this giving campaign, and meet our $40,000 goal.Thank you in advance for your generosity.We look forward to an engaging and exciting school year.Sincerely,Val Frias, Alice Speck, and Kelly ChungCo-Presidents, on behalf of the Driscoll PTO Board       The Family Giving Campaign is all about participation.  We need every parent to help out in any way they can. Here are some ways you can help. Email the PTO if you can help out with any of the following.I’d like to be a Class Captain I’d like to be one of the parents who help encourage families in their child’s class to participate in the campaign.I’d like to help with Family Giving Campaign Call Night(tentative: Wed., November 1,  at 6:00 pm) I’d like to join the team of parents who get together for one night to call every family in the school. Dinner and drinks are provided and it is a great chance to meet and get together with other Driscoll parents. Don’t worry, we’ll train you, and give you a script!I’d like to be a Class or Grade Challenge Donor As a challenge donor, I will commit to donate a certain amount per participating family. With this arrangement, my donation serves as a multiplier and makes every donation that much more important.  Challenge donors generally pledge between $50-$100 per child (and sometimes bundle as a group of friends to  get to this amount). At a $50 per child commitment and 100% participation, your gift would amount to $1,100 with 22 children in the class.I’d like to help with thank you note writingI can come to the school or write notes from home.I’d like to help with corporate matching I’d like to research companies around the area and find out which one's match gifts—and then remind parents to check with their employer.I can help with this year's Family Giving Campaign Tree hall decoration.I am crafty and organized, and would love to join with fellow parents to help make this tree come to life. If you have questions, email driscollpto@gmail.com. Want to give now? Click on Donate on the top left of this website, or go to your Driscoll Directory account and click on store.

Driscoll Directory, and PTO Communications


Dear Driscoll Families, 

The Driscoll Directory is online again this year. 
1. NEW FAMILIES & RETURNING FAMILIES WHO DID NOT REGISTER LAST YEAR: To sign your family up with addresses, phone numbers, grade and classrooms, use this link: http://bit.ly/2dtq4TQ.
2. RETURNING FAMILIES:  If you signed up for the online directory last year, please confirm using the link (emailed to you this morning) that your family's information is correct.
3. Once we have everyone's information, on October 10, you will receive an email instructing you how to access the online directory. You will be able to access it on your computer, or via an app on your smart phone. It's really user friendly. You will be able to search by grade level, class, faculty,  and last name. You can even print your class if you'd like. Additionally, you can sign up for events, and volunteer opportunities, and donate!
4. Watch this quick video (under 2 minutes) describing the system and it's features: http://wi.st/2hwgp1K
5. Getting the mobile app on your phone is the best way to use this system. Check out how that works here: http://bit.ly/2xxgcBu
4. The online directory is private to Driscoll Families. Only Driscoll Families are able to sign up, and only Driscoll Families will be able to see the information. 
5. If you have questions, or need help entering your information, please email: driscolldirectory@gmail.com. Also, if you have feedback about the system you think would make it work better for our community, please share!
6. Having a directory so families can stay connected has been a longstanding tradition at Driscoll. From potlucks to playdates, and homework questions, you will have child and family information at your fingertips. Even if you're only here for one year, we'd love to see full classes in the directory
7. PTO Communications: If you are still not signed up to receive the Monday Bulletin from the PTO, please email driscollbulletin@gmail.com, and our parent volunteers will get you set up. 

News from the Library


From the Library

Library Hours

Please visit!  Our beautiful library is open to families before school daily (at 7:45) and after school until 2:45 Monday-Thursday (though may be closed after school some days for meetings).  Before and after school hours are a great time for families to browse and check out books with their children.  It is also an excellent time for older students to use the library to check out books, do research, or read.  Please note, students in grades K-3 must be with a parent or adult caregiver during before/after school hours.

Sign up for a Family Library Account

Driscoll families are invited to sign up for a Family Library Account.  While students are limited to 1 to 3 books checked out a time (depending on their grade), a Family Library Account allows parents and caregivers to borrow up to 10 books at time from any section of the library during before and after school hours.

Library Website and Catalog

Visit the library website to check the library calendar, search for a book in the library catalog, or access databases, audiobooks and ebooks.


Be a Library Volunteer!  Parents help shelve and process books. Visit the library website for information about signing up to be a volunteer.

Questions?  Contact Ms. Reid, Librarian, anne_reid@psbma.org

2017 Open House Driscoll Schedule


Dear Families,I am writing to you with information regarding Driscoll School Open House.  This event is a wonderful opportunity for parents and guardians to learn more about curriculum and instruction, daily schedules, teacher expectations, units of study, math and literacy, assessments, and more. Classroom teachers will offer brief presentations and respond to general questions families may have.While this event has historically taken place during evening hours, this year’s Open House will occur during the school day.  Please note that finding an evening time has proven to be quite challenging this year due to holidays, programming and other scheduling conflicts. Therefore, the Driscoll School has chosen to explore a daytime model similar to ones successfully used at other elementary schools in Brookline.The schedule for Open House at the K-5 level will be as follows:Grade 1 and Grade 2: Monday, October 2 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amGrade K and Grade 3: Wednesday, October 4 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amGrade 4 & Grade 5: Friday, October 6 from 8:00 am – 9:00 amBetween 8:00 am and 8:20 am, parents/guardians will gather in the theater for a brief welcome by school leaders and introduction of specialists. At 8:25 am, families will travel to their child’s classroom for a brief presentation. During that time students will enjoy time at the playground, which will be supervised by staff. At 9:00 am, families will say goodbye and students will return to their classrooms. It is important to remember that Open House is a time for general questions about the school year. If you have individual questions about your child, please contact your child’s teacher via email or phone to set up a time to talk.Please note that information about Open House for grades 6-8 will be sent out early next week.  Open House for the middle school grades will also occur during the school day. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility.I look forward to seeing you soon!Sincerely,Suzie--

Dr. Sujan S. Talukdar
Interim Principal
Michael Driscoll School 

Driscoll Principal Transition


Dear Driscoll Families,As you all know, Driscoll School has a significant transition on the horizon.A school leadership transition can be bumpy, but I am absolutely thrilled that my colleague, Dr. Talukdar will lead the Driscoll School as the interim principal for the 2017-2018 school year!Dr. Talukdar and I have always had an excellent working relationship and I believe that will be a real asset to the Driscoll Community!  Here are some of the ways we are already working together to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Dr. Talukdar and I will be visiting classrooms together this week.  This will give me an opportunity to talk with students about the transition and to introduce Dr. Talukdar at the same time.
  • Dr. Talukdar and I will have a chance to review former and current School Improvement Plans and we will have a chance to discuss the strengths of Driscoll School and the areas of improvement that have been identified.
  • I will ensure that Dr. Talukdar understands the work we have begun this year, including the group that has been meeting about issues of equity at Driscoll.
  • I will ensure that Dr. Talukdar understands our current policies, procedures and ways of working so she has a good understanding of what’s happening now as she leads going forward.

I will always hold a very special place in my heart for Driscoll and I will do whatever I can to ensure the success of Driscoll students into the future.  If there is anything specific you think would be helpful in this time of transition, please let me know.Warmly,Heidi