Currently on hiatus during construction….stay tuned

The Driscoll School Garden Program is a parent-lead effort to promote outdoor garden-based experiential learning.

The Program’s mission is to create a living outdoor classroom that empowers students to love learning, cultivate relationships, embrace nature and engage with the world as innovators and catalysts.

Download the DSGP Brochure

The Driscoll garden began with a small group of parents who saw the potential to foster deeper relationships to learning, our environment and our community. In 2016, volunteers from the school  community installed three raised beds, with guidance from Green City Growers, the support of the PTO, and in cooperation with the Public Schools of Brookline and the Parks & Rec. Division. The garden committee was later established to grow and sustain the garden’s programing. With support from teachers and parents, 2018 yielded significant progress in curriculum development, utilization, infrastructure, and maintenance.

Current DSGP Initiatives

  • Advocating for DSGP and an improved learning garden classroom during school expansion and renovation project

  • Continuing to further curriculum integration, and expand garden programing/utilization

  • Leading improvements in communication and collaboration to increase garden-based experiential
    learning opportunities across the school district

  • Composting cafeteria waste (offsite) & garden waste (onsite)

  • Expanding infrastructure to facilitate programing

  • Increasing volunteer base & committee participation

Photos from the 2018 Fall Fling