Driscoll School Council Election: The Results Are In!

Yesterday was the deadline to vote in the election for parent representatives on the Driscoll School Council. Now the votes have been counted, and the four new parent representatives are:

C. Scott Ananian
Karina Caban
Jonathan Golden
Nicole McClelland

We want to give our sincere thanks to all five of the candidates, and extend our best wishes to Andrew Feldman. It was an overwhelmingly strong field, and any of the candidates would have made outstanding contributions to the School Council.

We also want to extend our gratitude to outgoing parent representatives Rich Day, Dan Deutsch, Patricia Salic, and Amandeep Singh for their two years of service on the Council. The last two years have been incredibly challenging for our community, and your continued dedication to our students was more important than ever.

Finally, we want to thank all the members of the Driscoll community who voted in the election. It is truly a sign of the strength of our community, and it is so wonderful to see the enthusiasm on display for our children's school experience.