Last Chance for the Family Giving Campaign!

This is the last chance for you to have your donation counted as part of this year’s Driscoll PTO Family Giving Campaign – no fooling!

We want to thank everyone who has already donated to this year’s Family Giving Campaign! We have currently raised $18,632 towards our goal of $30,000.

The Family Giving Campaign raises money each year to cover teacher grants, classroom materials, guest speakers, and community events (e.g. Spring Fair, Science Solstice, Arts Equinox) that fall outside the school budget. If we are unable to raise sufficient funds, our ability to produce these events may be compromised.

You can still make a donation via Venmo @DriscollPTO, donate via PayPal, or send a check in to your classroom teacher. We are also aiming for 100% of Driscoll families to participate, so please donate whatever you can today. We understand that every family’s ability to give is different. Every donation makes a difference.

At $5,000: Homework Pass for a student – ACHIEVED!
At $10,000: School-wide Pajama Day – ACHIEVED!
At $15,000: A student can choose a book to be donated to the Driscoll Library in their name – ACHIEVED!
At $20,000: Evening Zoom Bedtime Story for the entire school: Read by Mr. Youkilis, Ms. Bartley, and Ms. Lyons
At $25,000: A student can shadow a school administrator (Principal, Assistant Principal) for part of the day
At $30,000: Teacher Appreciation Level: Bring in a Food Truck for all Driscoll Educators
(Stretch Goal) At $35,000: Private Lunch for a student and their favorite teacher

As you can see, we have reached the $15,000 level, which means that one student was randomly selected to choose a book to be donated to the Driscoll Library in their name. Congratulations to Jannat in 5H; Ms. Reid will be in touch with you soon to pick out a book! We know that Mr. Youkilis, Ms. Lyons, and Ms. Bartley are looking forward to hosting the Zoom Storytime at the $20,000 level, so keep those donations coming in!