Presenting our First Virtual Kids for Kids!

We are very excited to announce that we will be holding our first (and hopefully last!) Virtual Kids for Kids this year, in honor of Arts Equinox.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kids for Kids, it is a special time where each grade level joins together to share their talents with one another. Some ideas are: singing a song, playing a song on an instrument, telling a joke, performing a small skit, doing a dance, showing a magic trick, etc.  While we normally limit Kids to Kids performances to grades 1-5, this year we thought everyone should have a chance to participate, so we will be accepting submissions from K-8.

We have decided that the easiest way for everyone to be able to participate is for families to send in videos of their children’s performances, which we will post here on the Driscoll PTO website.  While this is not a perfect solution, it seems like the best way to include as many of our students as possible while giving them the best possible conditions for their performances.  We ask that everyone try to limit their performances to around 2 minutes each, just like in school.  We hope that this also gives our students a chance to be a little more creative too, since they have the ability to edit their performances if they choose.

Once you have recorded your performance, you can send it in to  (If you have problems emailing such a large file, you might find some help at:, or you can set up an account at  If you are still having problems, just let us know and we will figure out a way to help).  We will be posting all the videos on YouTube, where they will be posted as Unlisted Videos; this means that they will not be searchable, and can only be viewed by people with a direct link.  But you should be aware that by sending a video, we cannot guarantee completely privacy (although we will do our best to limit anyone from outside the Driscoll community from having access).  For more information about unlisted YouTube videos, you can read:

Once we have all the videos loaded, we will embed them all onto the Driscoll PTO website, where they will be divided up by grades.  Each grade’s performances will be posted on a password protected webpage.  The deadline for sending in your videos is Friday, May 8th.  We will post the videos over the weekend, and they will be available to view sometime during the week of May 11th.  We are also looking into way to share the viewing experience with the students in each grade (possibly a Zoom session where the host can share the videos for everyone to watch together), although we don’t want to make any promises yet.  This is a completely new experience for us, so we want to thank everyone in advance for your patience.  We can’t wait to see what our students have in store for us!